49 Words & Phrases For Your House in Chinese 🏚 Let’s Take A Tour

Lex the Lion

A popular trick for learning a language, is to put labels on things you see constantly in the house. Whilst doing this it makes sense to learn the vocabulary for house in Chinese and every other daily object as you go. 

What better way to do this than by putting labels everywhere in your house and getting to know your everyday surroundings in your house in Chinese? 

(But first, it’s probably best to check or give a heads-up to whoever you live with..!)

We take you through how to cover your house with Chinese stickers like a pro…

House in Chinese || Key Vocabulary

House in Chinese || Rooms

House in Chinese || Items

House in Chinese || Quiz

House in Chinese || FAQs

House in Chinese
Take a tour around the home in Chinese

Different Words for House in Chinese

Before we start looking at the different items in a house or in the different rooms of a house in Chinese, let’s first look at what we’re going to call your house. 

(Although please don’t put a massive post-it on the outside of your house labelling it “house” in Chinese… Funny image, though). 

Depending on what kind of house you live in or in what context you’d like to talk about your house in Chinese, there are different words for house in Chinese, or home in Chinese. 

The most common word for house in Chinese, it can also mean home. 

家 Jiā means house, home

There are lots of Chinese characters that also use this character to represent things that have something to do with home or house in Chinese. e.g. 

  • 人 Jiā rén – Family (members)
  • Lǎo jiā – Home town
  • 庭 Jiā tíng – Family (as an abstract noun)
  • Rén jiā – “Others” 
  • Bān jiā – Move house
  • Guó jiā – Country
  • Huí jiā – Return home 

Next up…

Other words for house in Chinese;

房子 Fáng zi which means house in an apartment or building.

屋子 Wū zi which is your room as a house, i.e your room in a shared apartment.

排屋 Pái wū which means a Terraced house.

招待所 Zhāo dài suǒ means Guesthouse.

独立式的房子 Dúlì shì de fángzi means Detached House.

Literally this translation means Individual – type – house. 

乡间别墅 Xiāngjiān biéshù which means Country House or a house in the countryside.

住宅 Zhù zhái which means house/dwelling. This is much more formal though and is used in formal documents.

e.g. when you are filling in your address in a document or in a newspaper. 

公园 Gōngyuán which means a block of flats or apartments. This actually also translate to park in Chinese.

Building Your Expat Life in China and Coping With People Moving Home || Part 1 Thumbnail

Building Your Expat Life in China and Coping With People Moving Home || Part 1

Find out first how to make your expat life in China easier from the start, and how to deal with your friends moving home with LTL Language School.

Rooms in the House in Chinese

OK time to get into the house itself and find out what lies within.

Here are pretty much all the rooms of your home you’ll ever need!

Basement地下室dìxià shì
Bathroom洗手间xǐshou jiān
Toilet卫生间wèishēng jiān
Dining Room餐厅cāntīng

Items in your House in Chinese

So we’ve mapped out your home… now what about filling it up with some necessary household items.

Sofa沙发shā fā
Washing Machine洗衣机xǐyījī

Time to put those words into some form of context.

Here are some useful sentences you hopefully find handy when discussing your home in Chinese:

  • At my house – 在我家, zài wǒjiā
  • Our house – 我们的家, wǒmen de jiā
  • I vacuum – 我吸尘, wǒ xī chén
  • I iron – 我熨, wǒ yùn
  • I wash the dishes – 我洗碗, wǒ xǐ wǎn
  • I cleaned the house – 我打扫房子 Wǒ dǎsǎo fángzi
  • Do you have a house? (i.e. have you bought your own house) – 你有房子吗?Nǐ yǒu fángzi ma?
  • Buy a house – 买房, mǎifáng
  • Rent a house – 租房, zūfáng
  • Where do you live? 你住在哪里? Nǐ zhù zài nǎ lǐ? 
  • How many rooms does your house have? 你的家有几个房间? Nǐ de jiā yǒu jǐ gè fáng jiān?
  • Did you rent or buy your house? 你的家是租的还是买的? Nǐ de jiā shì zū de hái shì mǎi de
  • How much is the rent per month? 多少钱一个月? Duō shǎo qián yī gè yuè?

Learning the rooms of your house in Chinese is a great way to learn some vocabulary you can be sure you’ll use pretty much every day!

Get those post-it notes out and ready.

House in Chinese Vocabulary Quiz

Think you’re ready to test yourself with our quick-fire quiz about all the vocab above?

Why not try our quiz and see how many words you remember!

Welcome to your House

卧室 (wòshì)

书房 (shūfáng)

卫生间 (wèishēng jiān)

楼上 (lóushang)

楼下 (lóuxià)

餐厅 (cāntīng)

厨房 (chúfáng)

休息室 (xiūxí shì)

家人 (jiārén)

老家 (lǎo jiā)

家庭 (jiā tíng)

人家 (rén jiā)

国家 (guó jiā)

搬家 (bān jiā)

回家 (huí jiā)

房子 (fáng zi)

屋子 (wū zi)

排屋 (pái wū)

招待所 (zhāo dài suǒ)

独立式的房子 (dúlì shì de fángzi)

乡间别 墅 (xiāngjiān biéshù)

公园 (gōngyuán)

住宅 (zhù zhái)

洗手间 (xǐshou jiān)

地下室 (dìxià shì)

办公室 (bàngōngshì)

车库 (chēkù)

楼梯 (lóutī)

窗子 (chuāngzi)

墙 (qiáng)

床 (chuáng)

沙发 (shā fā)

椅子 (yǐzi)

灯 (dēng)

花园 (huāyuán)

门 (mén)

邻居 (línjū)

烤箱 (kǎoxiāng)

冰箱 (bīngxiāng)

桌子 (zhuōzi)

书架 (shūjià)

书桌 (shūzhuō)

电视 (diànshì)

洗衣机 (xǐyījī)

在我家 (zài wǒjiā)

我吸尘 (wǒ xī chén)

我们的家 (wǒmen de jiā)

我熨 (wǒ yùn)

我洗碗 (wǒ xǐ wǎn)

我打扫房子 (wǒ dǎsǎo fángzi)

你有房子吗?(nǐ yǒu fángzi ma?)

买房 (mǎifáng)

租房 (zūfáng)

你住在哪里? (nǐ zhù zài nǎ lǐ? )

你的家有几个房间? (nǐ de jiā yǒu jǐ gè fáng jiān?)

你的家是租的还是买的? (nǐ de jiā shì zū de hái shì mǎi de)

多少钱一个月? (Duō shǎo qián yī gè yuè?)

House in Chinese || FAQs

How do you say House in Chinese?

House in Chinese is 家 jiā.

How do you say Bedroom in Chinese?

Bedroom in Chinese is 卧室 wòshì.

How do you say Bathroom in Chinese?

Bathroom in Chinese is 洗手间 xǐshou jiān.

How do you say Kitchen in Chinese?

Kitchen in Chinese is 厨房 chúfáng.

How do you say Door in Chinese?

Door in Chinese is 门 mén.

How do I say ‘Our House’ in Chinese?

我们的家 wǒmen de jiā. Literally Our – House, a direct translation.

How do I say ‘I Cleaned the House’ in Chinese?

I cleaned the house in Chinese can be said: 我打扫房子 wǒ dǎsǎo fángzi.

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