256 Place Names in Chinese 🌏 Rotterdam or Anywhere, Liverpool or Rome…

Place Names in Chinese || We’ve Got You Covered From Goa to Guyana [+ Free Quiz Below]

Want to discover some of the world’s most famous place names in Chinese? Good because we’ve got a wealth of them for you right here.

[By the way, if you didn’t quite get the title reference “Rotterdam or Anywhere, Liverpool or Rome…” then I guess you aren’t a fan of Beautiful South!]

So place names in Chinese – we’ll focus on countries and cities, bringing you some of the most popular in Chinese.

Will yours feature?

(if it doesn’t, comment below, we’ll include it for you)

Place Names in Chinese || European Countries

Place Names in Chinese || The Americas

Place Names in Chinese || Africa

Place Names in Chinese || Asia and Oceania

Place Names in Chinese || Popular Cities Around The World

Place Names in Chinese || Funny Translations

Place Names in Chinese || Chinese Provinces


We’ve already made a video about various places you’d visit often (think train stations, restaurants, bus stops, airports etc) which you can check out here.

Place Names in Chinese – European Countries

Let’s start with the UK…

United Kingdom
yīng guó

You can actually also say (although it’s never really said) lián hé wáng guó 联合王国.

联合 means to Unite.

Now of course some of us would rather state we are Welsh, English or Scottish than just British! So…

  • England – 英格兰 yīng gé lán
  • Scotland – 苏格兰 sū gé lán
  • Wales – 威尔士 wēi’ěr shì
  • Northern Ireland – 北爱兰组成 běi ài lá

Moving on to some other place names in Chinese for Europe:

  • Germany – 德国 dé guó
  • France – 法国 fà guó
  • Spain – 西班牙 xī bān yá
  • Italy – 意大利 yì dà lì
  • Portugal – 葡萄牙 pú táo yá
  • Denmark – 丹麦 dān mài
  • Sweden – 瑞典 ruì diǎn
  • Norway – 挪威 nuó wēi
  • Finland – 芬兰 fēn lán
  • Russia – 俄国 é guó
Place Names in Chinese

Notice some of the place names in Chinese sound remarkably similar to the English such as Norway and Finland, whereas other countries bare zero resemblance but are translated with a meaning.

One of the more ironic translations which we’ll come to later is America, which, given events in recent times, is an ironic one… read on and you’ll find out what we are talking about!

  • Austria – 奥地利 ào dì lì
  • Belgium – 比利时 bǐ lì shí
  • Bulgaria – 保加利亚 bǎo jiā lì yǎ
  • Croatia – 克罗地亚 kè luó dì yà
  • Cyprus – 塞浦路斯 sāi pǔ lù sī
  • Czech Republic – 捷克 jié kè
  • Estonia – 爱沙尼亚 ài shā ní yǎ
  • Greece – 希腊 xī là
  • Hungary – 匈牙利 xiōng yá lì
  • Ireland – 爱尔兰 ài’ěr lán
  • Latvia – 拉脱维亚 lā tuō wéi yǎ
Place Names and Countries in Chinese

Notice we are going through the EU countries here – if your country isn’t on our list, drop us a comment and we’ll gladly expand our list and include your country!

  • Lithuania – 立陶宛 lì táo wǎn
  • Luxembourg – 卢森堡 lú sēn bǎo
  • Malta – 马耳他 mǎ’ěr tā
  • Netherlands – 荷兰 hé lán
  • Poland – 波兰 bō lán
  • Romania – 罗马尼亚 luó mǎ ní yǎ
  • Slovakia – 斯洛伐克 sī luò fá kè
  • Slovenia – 斯洛文尼亚 sī luò wén ní yǎ
  • Switzerland – 瑞士 ruì shì
Countries and Places in Mandarin Chinese

Place Names in Chinese – The Americas

North America

North America is nice and easy, there are only two to show you… but we like the irony of America as we mentioned earlier:

  • America – 美国 měi guó
  • Canada – 加拿大 jiā ná dà

Whilst Canada is clearly a phonetic translation that sounds fairly close to Canada itself the translation of America is literally (Beautiful Country).

Of all the countries in the world, China gave the honour of the world’s beautiful country to America… I guess once upon a time, the two countries had slightly better relations!

South America

Now let’s head down to South America.

  • Argentina – 阿根廷 ā gēn tíng
  • Bolivia – 玻利维亚 bō lì wéi yǎ
  • Brazil – 巴西 bā xī
  • Chile – 智利 zhì lì
  • Colombia – 哥伦比亚 gē lún bǐ yǎ
  • Ecuador – 厄瓜多尔 è guā duō’ěr
  • French Guiana – 法属圭亚那 fà zhǔ guī yǎ nà
  • Guyana – 圭亚那 guī yǎ nà
  • Paraguay – 巴拉圭 bā lā guī
  • Peru – 秘鲁 bì lǔ
  • Suriname – 苏里南 sū lǐ nán
  • Uruguay – 乌拉圭 wū lā guī
  • Venezuela – 委内瑞拉 wěi nèi ruì lā

And of course, not forgetting our friends in Central America:

  • Cuba – 古巴 gǔ bā
  • Mexico – 墨西哥 mò xī gē
  • Panama – 巴拿马 bā ná mǎ
  • Costa Rica – 哥斯达黎加 gē sī dá lí jiā
  • Nicaragua – 尼加拉瓜 ní jiā lā guā
  • Honduras – 洪都拉斯 hóng dū lā sī
  • El Salvador – 萨尔瓦多 sà’ěr wǎduō
  • Guatemala – 危地马拉 wēi dì mǎ lā
  • Belize – 伯利兹 bó lì zī

And as a bonus for you how about the states in America as well…!

Place Names in Chinese – African Countries

Over to Africa we go next:

  • Nigeria – 奈及利亚 nài jí lì yǎ
  • Ethiopia – 埃塞俄比亚 āi sāi’é bǐ yǎ
  • Egypt – 埃及 āi jí
  • DR of Congo – 刚果民主共和国 gāng guǒ mín zhǔ gòng hé guó
  • Tanzania – 坦桑尼亚 tǎn sāng ní yǎ
  • South Africa – 南非 nán fēi
  • Kenya – 肯尼亚 kěn ní yǎ
  • Uganda – 乌干达 wū gān dá
  • Algeria – 阿尔及利亚 ā’ěr jí lì yǎ
  • Sudan – 苏丹 sū dān
  • Morocco – 摩洛哥 mó luò gē
  • Mozambique – 莫桑比克 mò sāng bǐ kè
  • Ghana – 加纳 jiā nà
  • Angola – 安哥拉 ān gē lā
  • Somalia – 索马里 suǒ mǎ lǐ
  • Tunisia – 突尼斯 tú ní sī
  • Senegal – 塞内加尔 sài nèi jiā’ěr
  • Cameroon – 喀麦隆 kā mài lóng
  • Ivory Coast – 象牙海岸 xiàng yá hǎi’àn
  • Zimbabwe – 津巴布韦 jīn bā bù wéi
  • Madagascar – 马达加斯加 mǎ dá jiā sī jiā

We’ve hosted students from ALL over the globe and that is no exaggeration! Madagascar, Haiti, Estonia and even a city on the Sakhalin Island which I bet there’s a strong chance you’ve never even heard of!

Our student on the Sakhalin Island was from a city called Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk by the way!

Place Names in Chinese – Asia & Oceania

Our next stop is Asia and Australasia, the former being the home of LTL of course, along with some of the world’s most incredible countries!

We’ll start off with four places very close to our heart of course…

  • China – 中国 zhōng guó
  • Taiwan – 台湾 tái wān
  • Hong Kong – 香港 xiāng gǎng
  • Macau – 澳门 ào mén

Remember if you go to Taiwan or Hong Kong traditional Chinese and NOT simplified Chinese is used.

Likewise, Hong Kong’s main language is Cantonese and not Mandarin, so be aware on what to expect depending on which of the four above places you end up going to.

Now moving onto other areas of Asia:

  • Japan – 日本 rì běn
  • South Korea – 韩国 hán guó
  • North Korea – 朝鲜 cháo xiǎn
  • Vietnam – 越南 yuè nán
  • Thailand – 泰国 tài guó
  • Cambodia – 柬埔寨 jiǎn pǔ zhài
  • Singapore – 新加坡 xīn jiā pō
  • India – 印度 yìn dù
  • Indonesia – 印度尼西亚 yìn dù ní xī yà
  • Mongolia – 蒙古 méng gǔ
  • Malaysia – 马来西亚 mǎ lái xī yà
  • Philippines – 菲律宾 fēi lǜ bīn
  • Sri Lanka – 斯里兰卡 sī lǐ lán kǎ
  • Maldives – 马尔代夫 mǎ’ěr dài fū

And Oceania…

  • Australia – 澳大利亚 ào dà lì yǎ
  • New Zealand – 新西兰 xīn xī lán
  • Papua New Guinea – 巴布亚新几内亚 bā bù yǎ xīn jǐ nèi yǎ
  • Fiji – 斐济 fěi jì

ANOTHER BONUS – Here are the states of Australia for you as well!

Place Names in Chinese – Popular Cities

OK so clearly we can’t fit every city, town and area in here, as extensive as our content is, that’s a step just a bit too far for us!

It took me long enough to find the translation for my hometown, Cheltenham, England (it’s 切尔滕纳姆 qiè ěr téng nà mǔ by the way).

So, without any bias whatsoever, here are a list of popular worldwide cities with their Chinese translations.

As ever, if you want us to feature you city, town, province, area, or whatever else you call it… drop us a comment, we’ll gladly expand our list!

  • Tokyo – 东京 dōng jīng
  • Bangkok – 曼谷 màn gǔ
  • Barcelona – 巴塞罗那 bā sè luō nà
  • Milan – 米兰 mǐ lán
  • Paris – 巴黎 bā lí
  • Bali – 巴厘岛 bā lí dǎo

NOTE – Paris and Bali are incredibly similar, lesson to learn?

In this situation even the tones are exactly the same so both cities are spoken in exactly the same manner despite the fact the 2nd characters differ. CONTEXT IS KEY but make sure you nail those tones first and foremost.

Scared of tones? Don’t be, master them in two minutes with Amy!

OK back on track…

  • Phuket – 普吉岛 pǔ jí dǎo
  • London – 伦敦 lún dūn
  • Osaka – 大阪 dà bǎn
  • Seoul – 首尔 shǒu’ěr
  • Mecca – 麦加 mài jiā
  • Istanbul – 伊斯坦堡 yī sī tǎn bǎo
  • New York – 纽约 niǔ yuē
  • Kuala Lumpur – 吉隆坡 jí lóng pō
  • Dubai – 迪拜 dí bài
  • Mumbai – 孟买 mèng mǎi
  • Rome – 罗马 luó mǎ
  • Prague – 布拉格 bù lā gé
  • Las Vegas – 拉斯维加斯 lā sī wéi jiā sī
  • Los Angeles – 洛杉矶 luò shān jī
  • Hanoi – 河内 hé nèi
  • Berlin – 柏林 bó lín
  • Moscow – 莫斯科 mò sī kē
Ultimate Guide to Chinese 👩🏼‍💻 Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online Thumbnail

Ultimate Guide to Chinese 👩🏼‍💻 Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online

Best Way to Learn Mandarin Online || There are just so many resources for learning Chinese online, but don’t worry, this is your ultimate go to guide.

  • Amsterdam – 阿姆斯特丹 ā mǔ sī tè dān
  • Ankara – 安卡拉 ān kǎ lā
  • Athens – 雅典 yǎ diǎn
  • Baghdad – 巴格达 bā gé dá
  • Bonn – 波恩 bō ēn
  • Bordeaux – 波尔多 bō ěr duō
  • Bratislava – 布拉迪斯拉发 bù lā dì sī lā fā
  • Brussels – 布鲁塞尔 bù lǔ sài ěr
  • Bucharest – 布加勒斯特 bù jiā lè sī tè
  • Budapest – 布达佩斯 bù dá pèi sī
  • Cairo – 开罗 kāi luó
  • Calcutta – 加尔各答 jiā ěr gè dá
  • Cape Town – 开普敦 kāi pǔ dūn
  • Chicago – 芝加哥 zhī jiā gē
  • Copenhagen – 哥本哈根 gē běn hā gēn
  • Dar-es-Salaam – 达累斯萨拉姆 dá lèi sī sà lā mǔ
  • Durban – 德班 dé bān
  • Düsseldorf – 杜塞尔多夫 dù sài er duō fū
  • Florence – 佛罗伦萨 fó luò lún sà
  • Frankfurt – 法兰克福 fǎ lán kè fú
  • Geneva – 日内瓦 rì nèi wǎ
  • Johannesburg – 约翰内斯堡 yuē hàn nèi sī bǎo
  • Ljubljana – 卢布尔雅那 Lúbù ěr yǎ nà
  • Madrid – 马德里 mǎ dé lǐ
  • Maribor – 马里博尔 mǎ lǐ bó ěr
  • Marseille – 马赛 mǎ sài
  • Mexico City – 墨西哥城 mò xī gē chéng
  • Miami – 迈阿密 mài ā mì
  • Montreal – 蒙特利尔 méng tè lì ěr
  • Munich – 慕尼黑 mù ní hēi
  • Nairobi – 内罗毕 nèi luó bì
  • Naples – 那布勒斯 nà bù lēi sī
  • Torino – 都灵 dū líng
  • Venice – 威尼斯 wēi ní sī
  • Vienna – 维也纳 wéi yě nà
  • Warsaw – 华沙 huá shā
  • Washington – 华盛顿 huá shèng dùn
  • Zurich – 苏黎世 sū lí shì

Place Names in Chinese – Funny Translations

Kazan – 喀山 kā shān

Poor old Kazan in Russia has been labelled a” vomiting mountain” by the Chinese… why, we’ll never know!

Goa – 果阿 guǒ ā

Goa, a state in Western India, has the literal translation of “Fruit, Ah” in Chinese!

Yerevan – 埃里温 āi lǐ wēn

Another harsh translation for our friends in Armenia here I’m afraid which does tourism from Chinese to Armenia no favours!

Your capital, the delightful Yerevan translates literally in Chinese to “Dusty Warm Village” or if we are being exact “Dust, Village, Warm”.

Although I’ve personally never been to Yerevan I can say with confidence there are surely dustier places on the planet… and ironically some of those lie in China!

Fes – 菲斯 fēi sī

Morocco’s third largest city has a rather odd translation in Chinese, which literally reads “Not This”

Do you know anymore funny translations in Chinese? Share them below and we’ll add them to our list!

Place Names in Chinese – Chinese Provinces

As you will be well aware if you watched the video above, China is BIG!

The country is split up into a number of areas which are called provinces think States in America, Counties in the UK, or Regioni in Italy.

Here are those provinces.

Provinces of China

You will notice there are four cities listed also, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing.

These are known as “municipalities” and are under the direct administration of the central government. China has four of them in total.

Chinese Province in HanziChinese Province in Pinyin
安徽ān huī
北京běi jīng
重庆chóng qìng
福建fú jiàn
广东guǎng dōng
广西guǎng xī
甘肃gān sù
贵州guì zhōu
河南hé nán
河北hé běi
湖南hú nán
湖北hú běi
海南hǎi nán
黑龙江hēi lóng jiāng
吉林jí lín
江苏jiāng sū
江西jiāng xī
辽宁liáo níng
内蒙古nèi méng gǔ aka Inner Mongolia
宁夏níng xià
青海qīng hǎi
四川sì chuān
山东shān dōng
山西shān xī
陕西shǎn xī
上海shàng hǎi
天津tiān jīn
新疆xīn jiāng
西藏xī zàng aka Tibet
云南yún nán
浙江zhè jiāng

DID YOU KNOW – many Chinese cities have their own nicknames, find out our favourite Chinese city nicknames here.

There we have it, a mammoth list of countries, cities and place names in Chinese.

Let’s keep growing it further, comment below with your hometown!

Place Names in Chinese – Quiz

Welcome to your Place Names

英国 (yīng guó)

威尔士 (wēi’ěrshì)

苏格兰 (sūgélán)

英格兰 (yīnggélán)

北爱兰组成 (běiàilán)

法国 (fàguó)

西班牙 (xībānyá)

意大利 (yìdàlì)

葡萄牙 (pútáoyá)

丹麦 (dānmài)

瑞典 (ruìdiǎn)

挪威 (nuówēi)

芬兰 (fēnlán)

俄国 (éguó)

奥地利 (àodìlì)

比利时 (bǐlìshí)

保加利亚 (bǎojiālìyǎ)

克罗地亚 (kèluódìyà)

塞浦路斯 (sāipǔlùsī)

捷克 (jiékè)

爱沙尼亚 (àishāníyǎ)

希腊 (xīlà)

匈牙利 (xiōngyálì)

爱尔兰 (ài’ěrlán)

拉脱维亚 (lātuōwéiyǎ)

立陶宛 (lìtáowǎn)

卢森堡 (lúsēnbǎo)

马耳他 (mǎ’ěrtā)

荷兰 (hélán)

斯洛伐克 (sīluòfákè)

波兰 (bōlán)

罗马尼亚 (luómǎníyǎ)

斯洛文尼亚 (sīluòwénníyǎ)

美国 (měiguó)

瑞士 (ruìshì)

加拿大 (jiānádà)

阿根廷 (āgēntíng)

巴西 (bāxī)

智利 (zhìlì)

玻利维亚 (bōlìwéiyǎ)

哥伦比亚 (gēlúnbǐyǎ)

厄瓜多尔 (èguāduō’ěr)

法属圭亚那 (fàzhǔguīyǎnà)

圭亚那 (guīyǎnà)

巴拉圭 (bālāguī)

秘鲁 (bìlǔ)

苏里南 (sūlǐnán)

乌拉圭 (wūlāguī)

委内瑞拉 (wěinèiruìlā)

古巴 (gǔbā)

墨西哥 (mòxīgē)

巴拿马 (bānámǎ)

哥斯达黎加 (gēsīdálíjiā)

洪都拉斯 (hóngdūlāsī)

尼加拉瓜 (níjiālāguā)

萨尔瓦多 (sà’ěrwǎduō)

危地马拉 (wēidìmǎlā)

伯利兹 (bólìzī)

奈及利亚 (nàijílìyǎ)

埃塞俄比亚 (āisāi’ébǐyǎ)

埃及 (āijí)

刚果民主共和国 (gāngguǒmínzhǔgònghéguó)

坦桑尼亚 (tǎnsāngníyǎ)

南非 (nánfēi)

肯尼亚 (kěnníyǎ)

乌干达 (wūgāndá)

阿尔及利亚 (ā’ěrjílìyǎ)

苏丹 (sūdān)

摩洛哥 (móluògē)

莫桑比克 (mòsāngbǐkè)

加纳 (jiānà)

安哥拉 (āngēlā)

索马里 (suǒmǎlǐ)

突尼斯 (túnísī)

塞内加尔 (sàinèijiā’ěr)

喀麦隆 (kāmàilóng)

象牙海岸 (xiàngyáhǎi’àn)

津巴布韦 (jīnbābùwéi)

马达加斯加 (mǎdájiāsījiā)

中国 (zhōngguó)

台湾 (táiwān)

香港 (xiānggǎng)

澳门 (àomén)

日本 (rìběn)

韩国 (hánguó)

朝鲜 (cháoxiǎn)

越南 (yuènán)

泰国 (tàiguó)

柬埔寨 (jiǎnpǔzhài)

新加坡 (xīnjiāpō)

印度 (yìndù)

印度尼西亚 (yìndùníxīyà)

蒙古 (ménggǔ)

马来西亚 (mǎláixīyà)

菲律宾 (fēilǜbīn)

斯里兰卡 (sīlǐlánkǎ)

马尔代夫 (mǎ’ěrdàifū)

澳大利亚 (àodàlìyǎ)

新西兰 (xīnxīlán)

巴布亚新几内亚 (bābùyǎxīnjǐnèiyǎ)

斐济 (fěijì)

东京 (dōngjīng)

曼谷 (màngǔ)

巴塞罗那 (bāsèluōnà)

米兰 (mǐlán)

巴黎 (bālí)

巴厘岛 (bālídǎo)

普吉岛 (pǔjídǎo)

伦敦 (lúndūn)

大阪 (dàbǎn)

首尔 (shǒu’ěr)

麦加 (màijiā)

纽约 (niǔyuē)

伊斯坦堡 (yīsītǎnbǎo)

吉隆坡 (jílóngpō)

迪拜 (díbài)

罗马 (luómǎ)

孟买 (mèngmǎi)

布拉格 (bùlāgé)

拉斯维加斯 (lāsīwéijiāsī)

洛杉矶 (luòshānjī)

河内 (hénèi)

柏林 (bólín)

阿姆斯特丹 (āmǔsītèdān)

安卡拉 (ānkǎlā)

莫斯科 (mòsīkē)

雅典 (yǎdiǎn)

巴格达 (bāgédá)

波恩 (bōēn)

波尔多 (bōěrduō)

布拉迪斯拉发 (bùlādìsīlāfā)

布鲁塞尔 (bùlǔsàiěr)

布加勒斯特 (bùjiālèsītè)

布达佩斯 (bùdápèisī)

开罗 (kāiluó)

加尔各答 (jiāěrgèdá)

芝加哥 (zhījiāgē)

哥本哈根 (gēběnhāgēn)

杜塞尔多夫 (dùsàierduōfū)

达累斯萨拉姆 (dálèisīsàlāmǔ)

佛罗伦萨 (fóluòlúnsà)

法兰克福 (fǎlánkèfú)

日内瓦 (rìnèiwǎ)

卢布尔雅那 (Lúbùěryǎnà)

马德里 (mǎdélǐ)

墨西哥城 (mòxīgēchéng)

马里博尔 (mǎlǐbóěr)

马赛 (mǎsài)

迈阿密 (màiāmì)

蒙特利尔 (méngtèlìěr)

慕尼黑 (mùníhēi)

内罗毕 (nèiluóbì)

那布勒斯 (nàbùlēisī)

都灵 (dūlíng)

威尼斯 (wēinísī)

维也纳 (wéiyěnà)

华沙 (huáshā)

华盛顿 (huáshèngdùn)

苏黎世 (sūlíshì)

喀山 (kāshān)

果阿 (guǒā)

埃里温 (āilǐwēn)

菲斯 (fēisī)

If you love learning about country names in different languages why not check out our super guide to learning the countries of the world in Japanese too!

Place Names in Chinese – FAQs

How do you say the UK in Chinese?

United Kingdom is 英国 yīng guó

You can actually also say (although it’s never really said) lián hé wáng guó 联合王国.

联合 means to Unite.

Now of course some of us would rather state we are Welsh, English or Scottish than just British! So…

England – 英格兰 yīng gé lán

Scotland – 苏格兰 sū gé lán

Wales – 威尔士 wēi’ěr shì

Northern Ireland – 北爱兰组成 běi ài lá

How do you say USA in Chinese?

America is 美国 měi guó

The translation of America is literally (Beautiful Country)

How do you say Milan in Chinese?

Milan in Chinese is 米兰 mǐ lán

How do you say Barcelona in Chinese?

Barcelona in Chinese is 巴塞罗那 bā sè luō nà

How do you say Bangkok? in Chinese?

Bangkok in Chinese is 曼谷 màn gǔ

How do you say Japan in Chinese?

Japan in Chinese is日本 rì běn which means the foundation of the Sun

How do you say Hong Kong in Chinese?

Hong Kong in Chinese is 香港 xiāng gǎng

How do you say Brazil in Chinese?

Brazil in Chinese is 巴西 bā xī

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  1. What about Torino!!

    1. Max Hobbs

      Torino in Chinese is 都灵 dū líng Gio.

      Just for you we’ve added it to the main list 🙂

  2. Amazing, grazie!

  3. Adriano

    Hi, and thanks for the article, very helpful!
    I am from Slovenia. Our two main cities are Ljubljana and Maribor. How would they be transcribed in Chinese? Also I’m wondering about Los Angeles 🙂
    Thanks for the help!!

    1. Max Hobbs

      Hi Adriano,

      Our pleasure. Here are the three cities you requested.

      Ljubljana – 卢布尔雅那 Lúbù ěr yǎ nà
      Maribor – 马里博尔 mǎ lǐ bó ěr
      Los Angeles – 洛杉矶 luò shān jī

      We’ve also added them to our main article, hopefully helping fellow Slovenian’s like yourself! Ljubljana is a really cool place!

      All the best


  4. Beatrice

    Wonderful list, just sad my country wasn’t on it. Please let me know how to say Switzerland, and Zurich in Mandarin!

    1. Max Hobbs

      Hi Beatrice!

      No problem, we have added both of those to the main article for you. Always happy to help our readers!

      Switerland is 瑞士 ruìshì
      Zurich is 苏黎世 sūlíshì

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  7. Nguyen

    Amazing, love the list!

    1. Max Hobbs


  8. Kelly

    Some South African cities, please 😊🙏

    1. Max Hobbs

      Good idea, we’re on it!

  9. NinjaNightCrawler

    I’ve always wondered what Peoria (the one in Illinois) is

    1. Max Hobbs

      That’d be 皮奥里亚 (pí ào lǐ yà)